

Both of us Food Travel

Want maple syrup with that?

October 29, 2019

NOTE: Please see a portfolio of our Quebec photos. Part Two of three parts The accordion player ambled through the chalet-like dining room, belting out Quebecois folk songs as we played along with sets of spoons. We were in a cabane a sucre, or sugar shack, on the Ile d’Orleans next door to Quebec City. Especially in the spring, the sugar shack is a venerable cultural tradition sticky with sirop…

Both of us Food Lee Ann Travel

You can (sort of) go home again

August 14, 2018

There are a few places on earth where I feel like my soul is at home. Where the psychic roots run deep, my DNA is buzzing contentedly, and I always feel a welcome familiarity no matter how long I have been gone. One of those places is the Texas Hill Country, land of my mother’s clan and a rocky, rolling landscape  of cedar, winding creeks and limestone bungalows.…

Both of us CaravanTrip Food Learning Lee Ann Sue Travel

Floating through Paradise

June 8, 2016

Jackson, Wyoming – June 8, 2016 Then there were the Grand Tetons. Floating down the Snake River, which was still turbid and swollen with snow melt, we called out jokingly about “rapids” ahead. It was calm enough to eat our lunches on board. I don’t think we even got wet, and I regretted leaving my Nikon on the bus. The young, jagged peaks of the Grand Tetons were…

Both of us CaravanTrip Food Health and fitness Learning Travel

Yellowstone – a world apart

June 7, 2016

June 7, 2016 – Old Faithful Inn, Yellowstone National Park  Who would think four days (so far) on a bus would be so exhausting? Here we are in Yellowstone National Park, it is 8:49 p.m. and still light outside, and we really just want to go to bed. The last two days have been spent touring Yellowstone. We entered dramatically through Roosevelt Arch at the North Entrance and…

Food Learning Sue Travel

Snow and crumpets

January 25, 2016

When you travel to a place like Pike Place Market in Seattle, you morph into a foodie if you weren’t one already.  Not only is there the famous fish market where they gleefully torment tourists and toss huge fish around, there are the smaller famous places like Ellenos Real Greek Yogurt, Pike Place Chowder, Storyville Coffee and The Crumpet Shop. Yes, crumpets. We had thought of them as a…

Both of us Food Shopping

Goat a la Bourguignon

January 13, 2016

In our quest to eat as local as possible, even in the wintertime, I have discovered Mule Run Farms, on Bowman Road north of Milford. They are very friendly and sell locally grown beef, pork, turkey and chicken – and goat. In fact, you have to walk past the goats to get into the retail store. I did not let that deter me from buying some goat meat and putting…

Food Sue

Sweet potato carrot apple soup with curry

January 3, 2016

I like to make this soup because it’s different – I have never seen it on a menu in this neck of the woods. We love curry and try to find recipes that use it. According to the website, www.organicfacts.net, the benefits of curry include: the prevention of cancer, protection against heart disease, reduction in Alzheimer’s disease symptoms, ease of pain and inflammation, improvement in bone health, protection of the…